Thursday, September 15, 2011

Surfing Through the Frame: Random Surf Clips

Bruce Brown and his experience with Endless Summer.

This guy is a legend. However, I have to say when I first saw the Endless Summer on Channel 2  I hated it. It was so long and boring. But then again I was probably 5 years old.  Fortunately I got over being 5 and now I recognize that it is a phenomenal flick.

Even cooler though, is now in the 2000's there is a serious movement in the surf culture to showcase the heart, creativity and playfulness of the sport's culture. While there is still a ton of "ego" dominated crap being created, there are incredible films being made by the likes of Thomas Campbell, Jack Johnson, and The Malloy clan. These folks are telling the story of what the essence of surfing is. The stories are serious, well shot, (many times on film) well edited, and the sound tracks are amazing. These movies are works of art. told with passion and integrity.

This video by Cyrus Sutton is a fantastic example of what is happening with the Surf Film movement..It's about Wayne Lynch a legend in surfing and his experience with competition and ego. Aweesome Flick!

I also recommend checking out The Surfers Journal. (THE PLACE THESE VIDEOS CAME FROM) These folks are the print version of Surf culture. There are no bikini ads and the articles are not written by stoned out surfer dudes.  It's a well structured magazine that substitutes ego in favor of interesting content.

Ok one more video. This one is trippy. Put together by JontyPTraveler. In the Midnight Surfer the Intergalactic Council has abducted a human surfer known as the Midnight Surfer. It appears he was out surfing a macking Rock View at midnight. Kids don't try this at home! Don't worry though this is not a remake of the Midnight Cowboy. It's a remake of the unexplainable imagination of Mr P Traveler. Yeooow!! The original sound track is inspired by a Halloween Poem but has nothing to do with it. The lyrics will make you laugh.

The Midnight Surfer from JontyPTraveler on Vimeo.

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